THE LEGACY PRAYER: based upon the prayer of jabez found in 1 Chronicles 4:10. Here’s a version of how we pray this prayer:

Dear God, your Holy Spirit has blessed us with the spiritual gift of generosity. We know that we are blessed to be a blessing. We pray that you would bless us and enlarge our territory! As you do, we ask that you will continue to work in and through us so that we may be even more generous and open to help financially resource the vision that you have for your Kingdom work through Central Church. Keep us from harm and pain God, have your hand of favor upon us and bless us abundantly so we may in turn abundantly bless others. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

To request prayer, please click here.



  • Maria: Please pray for Ema who is in a coma. Also, pray for Maria to resolve family problems, Noel’s future, and Ulysees to rehabilitate from addictions. 7/1/2024

  • Doug & Debbie: Please keep Doug & Debbie in your prayers. Doug is having open heart surgery on Monday, July 1 at 10:30 am to open several blocked arteries in his heart. Pray for healing and a complete recovery. Also, pray for Debbie as she will be caring for him. 6/27/2024

  • Dee: Please pray for healing for my husband Max who is in the hospital with a GI bleed. Please pray they can find the source and repair it. Also, pray for strength and rest for both of us while I stay with him while he is in the hospital. 6/23/2024

  • Tim: I just had shoulder replacement surgery, please pray for my recovery and for healing. 5/24/2024

  • Chris: My doctor will be calling me this afternoon at 4:00 pm to give me the results of a biopsy performed a few weeks ago. Please keep me in prayer. Thank you! 5/22/2024

  • Angela: Please pray for healing and restoration from the constant pain she is in from the severe arthritis in her spine and knees. She was already in the process of lower back surgery and then she slipped and fell. Prayers for relief from this pain, so that she may get back to work. This pain has kept her from doing all the things but has allowed her to slow down and take care of herself. Pray for her peace, comfort, and for God to have His healing hands on her body. 5/1/2024

  • Ryan: Pray for his marriage. That God is at the center and that the relationship can be restored. 4/24/2024

  • Mayumi: Please pray for her and her husband. That they have a successful IVF treatment and that God has His hand in their family. Pray for the medical teams helping them, and peace as they go through treatment. 4/23/2024

  • Sean: Pray for his friend Cynthia. She is going through a cancer procedure and needs our prayers! 4/17/2024

  • Audrene: She is starting a new business as a travel agent! Please join us in prayer that God blesses her, and gives her all the tools she needs to step out into this new calling He has for her. 4/17/2024

  • Jacquelyn: She will be having abdominal surgery tomorrow April 8. Please pray for her doctors to use their God-given skills wisely. Pray for her peace knowing God is in control of all. And pray that she may have opportunities to share the gospel with others. 4/9/2024

  • Legacy Pastors: Please join us in lifting John and Natalie up in prayer. They are both active members of Central Sunrise Mountain and John has been battling cancer for a few years. Please join us in praying for him, that God provides healing and comfort during this very difficult time. Pray for his family, that they are surrounded by God’s peace and love as they support John. 3/20/2024

  • Chris: I am requesting prayer for my good friend Robyn's husband, Jason. He took a home Colonoscopy test a couple of weeks ago and it came back positive for Colon Cancer. He is going in for a Colonoscopy tomorrow. If it is confirmed he does have colon cancer, praying they caught it early enough to treat and for God's healing power over Jason. 3/19/2024 UPDATE: Praise - Jason has a form of pre-cancer that can be just monitored at this time. Praying that God will use this to bring them to HIM! 4/3/2024 UPDATE: Thank you ALL for praying for Jason. The doctors removed and tested a polyp and it was precancerous. They will check him again in 6 months. I'm hopeful and praying this will present an opportunity for them to open their hearts to receive Jesus. 4/6/2024

  • Kaleigh: Please lift my friend Sheena up in prayer tonight as she unexpectedly lost her mother today. Please pray for peace and comfort during this time for her and her family. Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 2/7/2024

  • John: Please pray for Janet. She had surgery on Thursday, 1/25. Pray for everything to go well through her recovery. 1/26/2024

  • Bill: Pray for his father (Howard 88 years old), he just had surgery on a ruptured ulcer. He was in good shape going into hospital but is struggling to get better. I fear he will give up if he needs another surgery or can’t get out of the hospital. Pray for his spirit, healing, comfort, and peace. 12/10/2023

  • John: Please pray for my wife Kaleigh as she heals from her 2nd post-breast cancer surgery on 11/7/23. She is doing well so far but still has a few weeks of recovery and future treatment needed. 11/8/2023

  • Cyndi: Pray for healing from an infection she is fighting. She just had a kidney and pancreas transplant earlier this year, so her body is still in recovery. She needs healing, peace, and strength. 11/6/2023 UPDATE: Cyndi has 2 viruses they are treating. One is very common in kidney transplant patients and the other is a respiratory virus. Since her immune system is down it doesn't take much to get a virus. She will likely be in the hospital for some time. Keep prayers coming her her health and comfort! 11/12/2023

  • Dee: Pray for Corine, she fell and needs prayer for healing. 10/14/2023

  • Tim: He is having both knees replaced. The right on Oct 23rd and the left on Dec 20th. Please be praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery. 10/13/2023

  • Kathleen: Financial wisdom and guidance. 10/9/2023

  • Kim: Please pray for Krissy. She and her family have attended Central for years and her two kids have been very involved in kids/youth environments. Krissy has recently been diagnosed with cancer, it came on fast and is advanced. She is in treatment now. Pray for strength, peace, and comfort, for Krissy and her family. Also, pray for her medical team and that she gets the best care. 9/24/2023

  • Maria: Please pray for Andy. He is currently in a medically induced coma fighting for his life after suffering cardiac arrest upon not feeling well and driving himself to the emergency room. The family has asked for prayers. Thank you and God Bless. 9/17/2023 UPDATE: At 56 years old, his doctors did tell his family, he was brain dead. Please keep Andy's family in your prayers as they work through their grief and find comfort in the Lord's Amazing Grace. Thank you all so much! 10/1/2023

  • Eugene: Please pray for Eugene as he navigates medical tests. Pray for a good diagnosis and God’s hand of favor on him, the medical team, and Eugene’s family. 9/11/2023

  • James and Stephanie: They were in a terrible car accident last week. James has a fractured back, lacerations, whiplash, bruises, soreness, and stiffness. Stephanie has whiplash, bruising, head, chest, and foot pain. They are also dealing with trauma from the accident. Please pray for them to feel God’s supernatural healing, comfort, and peace. Pray for doctors, insurance claims, and for their next steps to be smooth. 7/24/2023

  • Nicole: Pray for The Blind Center of Nevada which is working on housing specifically for legally blind individuals. It will be affordable for those living in a world with less sight than normal people. I am hoping to get into it, so the prayer is that the housing gets developed and finished safely but also ahead of schedule their estimated date is 2025. 7/15/23

  • Allen: He was caught in a wave while swimming in Mexico and hit his head on the ocean floor. He’s had surgery and has more ahead. Allen and his wife Jana are now alone in Mexico. His future prognosis is very uncertain as is how long they will be in Mexico. 6/22/23

  • Chris: Please pray for my ex-husband (father of my children). He contacted me last week to tell me he has an aggressive tumor in his throat. He is scheduled for surgery on June 28th - next week. Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery. 6/21/23

  • Larry: Pray for generational salvation in his family; and for God’s hand of favor to be upon him as he shares the gospel in his street ministry. 6/12/23

  • Jennifer: Jennifer would appreciate some prayer for her ministry (with her partner Elise Park) called Ashes Redeemed. They are a ministry that serves women who have painfully discovered infidelity in their marriage, be it pornography or physical affairs. They provide a weekly private Bible Study, an online support community, resources, and personal encouragement. They also are in the process of developing a private coaching experience with a supporting curriculum that will guide women in the love of Christ toward heart restoration and, hopefully, marriage restoration if possible. Thank you! 5/25/2023

  • Cyndi: She received her new kidneys and pancreas on Sunday May 7th. She is no longer a diabetic because of the pancreas transplant, God is so amazing!! She’s had a few setbacks over the last couple of days, so please keep her recovery and and healing in your prayers. 5/18/2023

  • Leesa: Please pray for her son Mckade, he has been in the hospital with a collapsed lung and may need surgery. Pray for healing and comfort. 4/28/2023

  • Chris: Please pray for my friend Gina's father, Ken. He was recently admitted to the hospital with a heart condition. The treatment he is getting does not seem to be improving his condition. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace for Ken. 4/27/2023

  • Nicole: I would like prayer for the pain I am in! I also ask that God's will be done, but if it is his will, to heal the tumors in my brain and my eyesight. 4/19/2023

  • Dana: Pray for Rhonda. Rhonda was in remission from Breast cancer for almost 2 years, doctors have recently found 2 tumors in her brain that are cancerous. She will undergo surgery to remove them. Pray for complete healing, strength for her 4 kids, and her financial situation. 4/18/2023

  • Karen: I had recent knee surgery and the recovery is going slower than I hoped. Prayers that I continue to get stronger and regain full use of the affected leg. 4/11/2023

  • Janet: Pray for Paul who is fighting stage 4 cancer. His radiation treatments have been very hard on him physically. 4/4/2023

  • Chris: Please pray for Chris’s two sons Corey and Steven. Steven has a heart problem, and he suffers from depression. Corey used to be a Christian but has recently converted religions. Pray for Corey, his wife, and their children to know Jesus. 2/15/2023

  • January: Please pray for Kim, and for her doctors to find remedies to a ten-year health battle trying to find a diagnosis. Also, her marriage as it’s been slowly becoming more disengaged amidst the health issues and a move away from their home church. 2/1/2023

  • January: Pray for Glenda, she is suffering from multiple health issues from her heart to delusions of bugs biting her. And pray for her daughter Samantha, who is suffering from anxiety while trying to help with her caretaking. 2/1/2023

  • Jessie: Please pray for Vincenta. He fell from a roof and has damage to his brain and spine. Keep his healing and his family in your prayers. 1/3/2023

  • Phil: Continue to pray for Sharon who is recovering from heart surgery. She is on the road to recovery. 1/3/2023

  • Norman: Pray for his son-in-law Chris. He's losing/lost sight in one eye. Pray the doctors find answers and are able to help Chris. 12/14/2022

  • John: Please pray for his wife, Kaleigh. Today (11/30), she went into surgery for her mastectomy from cancer she has been fighting. The surgery went well and she is recovering. Any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated as she heals. 11/30/2022

  • Jenny: Her mother (who lives in Wisconsin) had an infection on her foot that became sepsis and they had to remove her leg below the knee in emergency surgery. Pray for Jenny as she is staying with her mom till the end of the year to care for her and help her adjust. Pray for her mom, that she feels God’s peace and love during this difficult time and for quick healing and adjustment. 11/2/2022

  • Larry: Pray for his friend Kemo who is a new follower of Jesus, please pray for her journey and spiritual growth. 10/10/2022

  • Central Chuch: Pray for Morelia, Mexico. That we can expand our reach there and bring The Good News of Jesus to more people in that area. 10/5/2022

  • Michelle W: Pray for God to expand her business, so she is able to bless others and help reach others for Christ. 10/5/2022

  • Jessie: Pray for Angelica G. She goes in to look at a tumor tomorrow. Pray that it isn’t too threatening and that doctors are able to remove it with no issues. 9/22/22

  • Janyth: Please lift up the upcoming Israel trip in 2023. Let God allow the opportunity for people to go if they feel called to the trip. Prayers for the planning of the trip, safety, and the upcoming experience for the Central Family. 9/18/22

  • Ingrid: Thanks for all of your prayers for my brother, Scott, who was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure last fall. He just turned 52, and has started coming to church regularly on Saturday nights. On 9/6, he'll have a procedure to insert a defibrillator. He's nervous to be put under anesthesia but eager for all the benefits it will provide. Prayers for the procedure and healing after. 9/5/22

  • Micaela: Please pray for Eli Sepulveda, he is 17 years old. He went into multi-organ failure and got pneumonia. He was airlifted to Seattle Children’s Hospital and is being treated by an infectious disease doctor to isolate what type of bacterial blood infection this is, as he’s not responding well to his current antibiotic treatment. Prayers for healing and wisdom for his treatment team. Update: They are thinking he could have “Lemierre's syndrome”. They believe once his clot is dissolved then the antibiotics he is on will clear out the infection. Thank you all for your continued support & prayers. Please continue praying for Eli & his family. Pray for his doctors & staff taking care of him as they go through various tests & make the correct decisions. Update 2: He has gone over 48 hours with no fever and his tests are getting better every day! Please pray he will continue to improve and get to go home this weekend. 9/8/22

  • Jim: Pray for his son Lance who just tested positive for covid. He is a professor and has to miss the first week of classes. Pray for him to remain encouraged despite the circumstances and that he gets through it with little pain and discomfort. 8/24/22

  • Christina: Please pray for their friend Beth, that she feels comfort, peace, and love while navigating this terminal health diagnosis. And strength for her family and friends as they support her on this journey. 8/18/22

  • Larry: Pray for health and conception! Also, pray over the language barriers in the mission field. 8/6/22

  • Kay: Pray for Kay’s lower back pain. She is seeing a new doctor and we are praying that he will be able to help her and that God can heal her. 8/3/22

  • Jacque and Jamar: Update on their Covid status - both of them are now negative. However, now Jamar will need to have a cardioversion (heart shock) this week for heart arrhythmia. So continued prayer will be appreciated for his healing. They definitely feel God's presence through the storm. Thank you for your prayers. 6/19/22

  • Anne: Please keep Anne’s daughter, Debi in your prayers. Pray for Debi’s health and that God can provide healing. Also, Anne is dealing with some major back pain issues herself. Please pray for healing. 6/11/22

  • Larry: Pray for his aunt Jean. God knows what Jean needs right now, we lift that up to Him. 5/30/22

  • Kaleigh: Pray for healing and comfort for Kaleigh and her family as they navigate more tests, surgeries, and creating a treatment plan with an oncologist. Pray that she would continue to see God’s plan, and be covered by his peace and presence through this process. 5/26/22

  • Bill: Pray for his wife, Nancy. She has had MS for over 20 years and the summer months are difficult for her with the heat. Pray for her health, comfort, and for her medications to work well. 5/18/22

  • Cyndi: She has been going through the approval process for a kidney/pancreas transplant and had to have double bypass surgery on her heart in order for this to proceed. The bypass was on May 13th and she is currently in recovery. Prayers for God’s hand over this whole process, for complete healing, so she can begin the transplant process again. 5/18/22

  • Summer: Pray for healing and elimination of her chronic back pain, through God’s healing hands and/or through the doctor’s care. 5/18/22

  • Larry: Pray for God’s protection and hand of favor to be upon his upcoming job situation/opportunity. 5/14/22

  • Steven: Pray for his sister Amy, she is in the hospital with a large cyst on her ovaries. She is in extreme pain and has an infection. She Is a faithful follower of Jesus. Pray God restores her to full health. 5/11/22

  • Diane: Pray for Diane as she goes through chemo. Her immune system is compromised, so pray she is able to stay healthy. Pray her upcoming tests have good results so she can attend church in person again. 4/13/22

  • Roger and Mary: Mary is home now (praise!), after a months-long recovery from covid. Her prayer request now is that she is healed enough to attend Easter at Central in person. UPDATE: Mary made it to Easter in person… PRAISE! 4/25/22

  • Gary: Pray for daughter Melissa and family members and others who can positively influence her to embrace her desire to live as she struggles with addiction and lack of self-worth. 2/3/22

  • Steve and Doris: Our youngest son has just arrived in Kuwait, being deployed as part of a combat medic crew, and is close to the Iraq border. We ask for prayers for Trevor Barry and his team, that God would keep them safe during their 6 month deployment. 1/26/22

  • Jessica: For Godly wisdom, endurance, and strength. Let God's will be done! I'm having a very hard time. My adult children are homeless and on drugs and homeless. I can no longer enable them and support the decisions they make. I have to be strong, step back, and let God take control! 1/20/22

  • Dianne: Pray for her cancer treatment to be successful. That the nausea she is experiencing would be eliminated and she would be able to eat comfortably again. For strength and endurance. 1/19/22

  • Brian: Pray for his depression. It is holding him back from doing God’s work. Pray that God’s voice and love are loud for Brian in moments of depression. 1/14/22

  • Nate: Pray for Officer Kubla, the Swat officer shot yesterday. He will survive but has a long recovery road ahead of him. 1/11/22

  • Anne: Pray for her daughter, Debi, she has several health issues that are baffling the doctors. She has a constant cough that sounds like she could break a rib. She has no energy and now uses a cane. She's been on a leave of absence since the beginning of December and her GP just signed off leave until Feb 1. She had pneumonia and diverticulitis, no Covid. Her lung doctor suggested today that he wants to do a biopsy of her lungs. Pray for her health. 1/7/22

  • Dara: Pray for Betty (also a legacy member). She has a big surgery coming up and we were informed she is at risk of having breast cancer if her capsule tests positive. We don't believe this is going to happen, but it is a long complicated process and we'd like to request your prayer and support while we get that clearance-thank you! 1/7/22

  • Sarah: Pray for Sarah, she found out she has mild heart failure, as a result of her chemo treatments 20 years ago. Pray for God’s hand to be in her treatment, diagnosis, and health. Pray for her parents who are worried. 12/23/21

  • Charente: Restoration of family between her/her husband and his parents. There has been a wedge that has been placed between them. For both Charente and her husband to find employment. Finding trustworthy and kind friends as well. 12/22/21

  • Amber: After a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer in 2019 followed by chemo and surgery she found out her cancer has spread. She is married with three kids. Pray for finances, as insurance will not cover her next steps in treatment. Pray for her health, her family, and a wise medical team. 12/06/21

  • Tina: Pray for her daughter and son-in-law (Mady and Sean), that God will work in their marriage and bring them closer together. 10/31/21

  • Roger and Mary: Pray for John Baker, he has rare cancer in the upper leg, pray for healing. 10/31/21

  • Roger and Mary: That Robin (their daughter) and husband Kieron would come home to our family. 10/31/21

  • Stephen: Pray for his kids. Pray that God’s will is done and the kids are kept safe. Pray that he and his kids feel God’s comfort and peace. 10/28/21

  • Patti: Pray over the sale of her home, and purchase of the next home that is near her mother. She is experiencing medical problems and requires brain surgery at the age of 87. 10/12/2021

  • Geoff: Healing for his back/nerve pain, been chronic since May. 9/23/2021